Python for Scientists and Engineers

Python for Scientists and Engineers was the first book I wrote. I've decided to make it free to read online, though if you want to read it on your laptop/phone, you can also buy a copy here.
Source Code: The code for the book is here.
The book is heavily practical, with little or no theory. The goal is to get you using Python for real world engineering applications. For each topic, we will choose a real case scenario and build a quick solution in Python to solve our problem.
This book assumes you know Python or some other programming language already. It’s written for intermediate programmers, not complete beginners.
If you are new to Python, start with the Beginners Start Here section. I give you a quick introduction to Python using a simple word counter example (which assumes you already know some programming), then introduce libraries like Numpy/Pandas. If you have never used these libraries, start here as well.
While the book is free, I do retain all copyrights. You must not post this book anywhere. The exception is the code. It’s released under MIT, so feel free to use it in your own projects.
Start reading the book:
Beginners Start Here:
Create a Word Counter in Python
An introduction to Numpy and Matplotlib
Introduction to Pandas with Practical Examples (New)
Main Book
Image and Video Processing in Python
Audio and Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Machine Learning Section